KT demonstrates MI:DEUM, powerful interactive response system
Facing slow growth in telecommunications and other business challenges, KT is seeking opportunities in interactive response systems that can help in the raising of children and the caring of the elderly.
On Wednesday, it demonstrated MI:DEUM, which will eventually be made available on a wide range of the company’s digital services.
The company claims that it can analyze text with a great degree of accuracy and provide near human-like responses.
At a press conference, MI:DEUM demonstrated its childcare abilities.
Bae Soon-min, KT’s senior vice president, brought up a case where a kid acts greedy to siblings.
“It would be worrisome since the children have trouble sharing snacks due to the kid’s action,” MI:DEUM answered. “It seems that the child doesn’t have many experiences where he or she can enjoy more benefits by sharing or giving. But the children of that age tends to pursue their own interests, after having learned only a simple skill of having their needs met by whining.”
The company says that the response was spontaneous and was not staged. Others were able to ask it questions of their choosing.
A spokesperson at KT said that the service is still being trialed and it has yet to be decided whether the online consultation will be provided for free or paid. It won’t be available until at least next year.
The company also demonstrated MI:DEUM’s call center service capabilities, which it says are more personalized, real-time interactions instead of automated generic notices.
MI:DEUM was developed in cooperation with KAIST, Hanyang University and Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI).
KT CEO Ku Hyeon-mo said that the company will continue to up investment and resources to improve the service’s capabilities.
“We will pour all resources available to lift the competitiveness of our digital services,” he said.
BY PARK EUN-JEE [park.eunjee@joongang.co.kr]