2023 AMCANADA English Speech
1.김도율 David Kim 이대부속 초등학교
and senate Yonah Martin award.
Ladies and gentlemen, judges, and fellow students, Good afternoon! My name is Do-yul Kim and I’m in first grade at Ewha Womans University Elementary School. Today, I want to take to you about something really important: protecting the environment. As students, we hold the power to make a big impact and shape a better future for our planet. Our Earth is like a giant puzzle with many different pieces that all fit together. From the vast forests to the simmering oceans, every part is important. But, this delicate puzzle is facing immense challenges, and it’s up to us to protect it. But why should we care? The environment is not just about plants and animals; it directly affects us too. us too. The air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink all come from the environment. If we don’t take care of it, we’re hurting ourselves too. Imagine a world without clean air, all the water is polluted, and forests are disappearing. It would be a sad and unhealthy place to live, That’s why we need to take action now to protect the environment. We can start by doing simple things like saving energy, recycling, and using less water. We can also spread the word and inspire others to join us in protecting our environment. Let’s come together and be the change our planet needs. Remember, it’s not just about the present; it’s about the world we leave behind for future generations. Thank you.
2.박효정 Hyojung Park-BHA(Branksomehall Asia )
AMMC Silver and St. Mark’s award.
Good morning everyone, I’m Hyojung Park, and I am a 9th grader in Branksome Hall Asia Jeju. As I go to school every morning after munching a bowl of cereal, I see leafy trees and yellow daisies. They seem to symbolize the good days of my life. And I say, what a peaceful world that I am living in. But I have recently read articles from the New York Times; while I worry about my grades and my school life, there are kids out there who are scared of bombing in the middle of the night. Those child refugees, attending online classes in foreign shelters, are not in their homes. There are also kids out there who are working in the cereal factories, the cereals that I eat every morning. 15 years old Carolina came to the U.S. alone for a better life. But the reality is that she is a ‘minor worker’ rather than a student. She was supposed to live a life of eating cereal in the morning and living a happy school life like me, but instead, she had to wrap cereal all night. The truth is, even when there are urgent tragedies like these, adults with choices at hand are busy playing numbers on their profit and loss. While there are refugee children worrying about their lives in Ukraine, many nations all over the world just do not actively rescue them. While children are working in cereal factories without confidence in their dreams and lives in the US, many nations all over the world just import those cereals and just for money. This is the reality. But I don’t know how to play with those numbers. Maybe I’m just not good at math. But, I do know what is the right thing to do. Rather than seeking profit and loss, we need to make the right choice, like a child, who sees the world as it actually is. Children are faster at choosing the right action than at calculating what is beneficial. Our role as youth is very limited. However, since we can sympathize with other people’s pain better than anyone else, we can give a sting to adults who ruin such peace. When adults cannot open their eyes to injustice, it is our role to make them open their eyes. We see peace on our way to school, on their way to school in Ukraine as well. However, there are children who are struggling to survive, worrying about their next meal, and their next step. The peace that we see is not everything. Open your eyes. There are the parts that only us, the youth, can do. Thank you
장하람 -Claire Jang
AMMC Bronze and Vancouver JoongAng Daily Award.
Hi! My name is Claire Jang. Today I will be discussing how we can peacefully resolve conflicts with our friends. Conflicts are like annoying mosquitos that just will not leave you alone. Unlike a mosquito, you cannot just swat it away and hope it disappears. It’s also like a painted wall with a spot left behind. Avoiding or ignoring conflicts is not a solution as they often come back if left unresolved. So how can we handle conflicts with our friends in a peaceful manner? Should we correct them if they have hurt our feelings, apologize even if we feel we did nothing wrong, or simply ignore the situation altogether? I was playing a game with my two friends; one of them did not like it and she did not tell me that which was a bit frustrating. The next day she ignored me. I decided to walk right in front of her and make eye contact and asked if she would like to play with me. Finally, she said yes. After a few days, the friendship didn’t feel so good because nobody said sorry. It still felt like a spot left behind. So I said that I was sorry if I hurt any of her feelings. It felt like the spot was no longer there. Even with close friends, conflicts happen. It is important to acknowledge each others feelings and clarify misunderstandings. It is crucial to be empathetic and respect each others differences even if we do not always agree on everything. By communicating directly, we can move past the conflict and maintain our friendship. Conflicts with friends can be challenging but being brave, honest and proactive we can address them in a peaceful and constructive way. So let’s all try to be better friends, better listeners and better communicators.